How powerful is perspective?

It should come as no surprise to anyone reading this that today's world is full of negativity, despair and unhappiness.  In fact, most media outlets spoon feed us content that fosters that very perspective of the world through nearly every platform available. But the reality is, we don't have to accept anyone else's view of the world, or life for that matter, as our own.  We get to choose for ourselves which perspective we wish … Continue reading How powerful is perspective?

What is integrity and why is it important in living a happy and fulfilling life?

Who are you when nobody is looking?  That is how integrity (#6 out of the 7 Army values) was defined for me in the military.  More specifically, integrity in the military meant "doing the right thing when nobody is looking". But what does that really mean?  In this article, I'll dive deeper into what integrity really is and why it's so important to have integrity in our journey to finding true happiness and fulfillment in … Continue reading What is integrity and why is it important in living a happy and fulfilling life?

1-Minute Life Lesson: Episode #7; How to find the inspiration you need to chase your goals.

Sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation and inspiration we need to get up in the morning and go chase our goals. This video shares with you one question I’d challenge you to ask yourself to help you find the inspiration you need! There are 1,440 minutes in a day. Would you sacrifice just one of those minutes to watch a video if there was a chance it would change your life forever?

5 reasons why we spend time doing things we don’t like doing…

Wouldn't life be so much easier if we could just spend all of our time doing only the things we enjoy doing?  So why do we continue to spend our time doing things we don't like doing? Isn't life hard enough already without the added stress of doing things that don't bring us happiness? So what really influences the choices that we in life?  I've found 5 reasons so here they are... I believe that … Continue reading 5 reasons why we spend time doing things we don’t like doing…

You’ve been lied to. Here’s the real formula for success…

If we want to succeed in life then all we need to do is just put our heads down and try really hard to produce the results we want, right?  Unfortunately it's not that simple and here's why... If it were that simple that would mean the formula for success would look something like... Hard work = Success, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, as I am sure many of you have also realized throughout your experiences in … Continue reading You’ve been lied to. Here’s the real formula for success…