Here’s why loyalty is a rare commodity in today’s world…

Gold might be rare but can you guess what's more rare than gold in today's world?  Loyalty.  Whether we are talking about our personal or professional relationships, I'm confident most of you will agree that loyalty is often a rare find in the connections we make today.  But why is this?  Why is finding loyal friends, employees, spouses or just about anything else so difficult?  Well the truth is, there are hundreds of reasons why … Continue reading Here’s why loyalty is a rare commodity in today’s world…

As leaders, here’s why it’s important to know when to lead from a distance…

Some of the best leadership advice I received throughout my time in the Army contradicted every leadership instinct that I've ever had.  I can't speak for everyone reading this, but my instincts lead me to being a very hands-on leader.  I like to be in the trenches with my teams and involved in the work being done - not just barking orders from the sidelines.  However, I learned the hard way that this isn't always … Continue reading As leaders, here’s why it’s important to know when to lead from a distance…

Here’s why leadership isn’t meant for everyone…

Arguably, one of the greatest (and also the worst) parts of leadership is that everyone turns to you in their time of need.  It's great to be the "go-to" person when things are going smoothly and you have all of the answers but what happens when you don't?  Or what happens when the stress and responsibilities of leadership just keep piling up while the world around you only seems to be moving faster?  The truth … Continue reading Here’s why leadership isn’t meant for everyone…

A thank you letter to my fallen brothers

Dear Chris and Stan, First, let me start by saying that I miss you both tremendously.  It's been over a half decade since God called you both home and there's not a day that goes by that I don't miss having you both at my side.  But today I have good news to share with you!  I am so thrilled to share that my beautiful daughter, Isabella Rose, was born on over a month ago on … Continue reading A thank you letter to my fallen brothers

What could yard work possibly teach me about leadership?

How is it possible that I learned one of life's greatest leadership lessons from doing yard work as a kid?  Like most kids, I hated doing yard work.  I grew up in a beautiful house with an incredible landscape with a huge yard that my father insisted we could maintain ourselves.  My father's attention to detail was unprecedented.  My brothers and I used to joke that he would make us cut the grass with scissors … Continue reading What could yard work possibly teach me about leadership?